+ Facilities
- Facilities
- Phonetics/Computational Lab (Memorial Hall 401): This room has several Macintosh computers loaded with Praat, WaveSurfer, Microsoft Office software (Excel/Word/PowerPoint), R, Python, SPSS, and other programs. Students from the computational linguistics program also use this room.
- Linguistics Recording Room (Memorial Hall 336): This room is padded so it provides a roughly non-echoic sound-controlled environment. It also has an audio rack fitted with various kinds of analog recording equipment, including a high-quality solid state recorder, a media mixer (Mackie Microseries 1202-VLZ), a DAT deck (TASCUNM DA-30 MKII), a head-mounted microphone (Shure SM 2), and a stand microphone (Electro-Voice RE50). To make a reservation, speak to the secretary of the Linguistics Department in Memorial Hall 322. For details on how to use the equipment, see the recording equipment instructions.
- CeLTIE Recording Studio (Ballantine Hall 114): This room has a sound-proof recording booth with multiple microphones. The booth is big enough that the experimenter can enter it along with the subject. A recording technician makes the recordings for you from outside the booth. See the contact information on the recording studio's website to make a reservation.
- Second Language Psycholinguistics Laboratory (Weatherly Hall 220): This room has an anechoic recording booth, plus several computers with software for experimental stimulus presentation and statistical analysis. To make a reservation, contact the lab or its director Isabelle Darcy (Second Language Studies).
- Spanish Linguistics Lab (Ballantine Hall 860): This room serves a space for collaborating, collecting data, and analyzing the results, with several computers loaded with E-Prime and SPSS. The room also houses an equipment library, with various devices for video and voice recording as well as laptops that can be checked out. For a full list of equipment and instructions on how to reserve the lab or borrow items, see the lab's homepage.
- Audiology Research Laboratory: This lab has an audiometric test booth, computer-controlled listening stations (fitted with touch-screen monitors) inside sound-treated booths, and anechoic and echoic test chambers. (See the lab's facilities page for more details.) To make a reservation, contact the lab or its director Gary Kidd (Speech and Hearing Sciences).